A baby in the making

We recently discovered that we are parents-to-be. We wanted to blog the entire pregnancy experience until the birth. We hope you enjoy reading our experiences all of it and share some of yours.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

There is such a big deal about pregnancy out there on the internet, there is a lot of debate about how to birth ones child. Unassisted Childbirth, WaterBirths, C-Sections, Normal...etc

I think every new-pregnant woman goes straight to the labour table in her mind, because that seems to be the hellish part of pregnancy. I do it all the time, I am continuously looking up research on Labour pain and management. I'm doing something wrong here. I know what I need to know now, and it is time I just relaxed my clamped down-under chamber about it.

I currently get checked up at the Military Hospital here in Secunderabad and from what I am told the hospital supports "Natural Childbirth". In emergencies it is the C-section.

So I have just two options, other hospitals offer many other options, but they are way to expensive and in my judgement unwarranted.

However there is one wish I have - to have a personal midwife assist me during the birth. Someone familiar, mature, confidant in bringing out the baby would be comforting.

I worte to Andrea Robertson from BirthInternational , she is a midwife from Australia.

This is what she had to say:

Hello Cecilia,

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you are starting to enjoy
this special time in your life. Your idea to seek a natural birth is a good
one - Nature has
developed a very safe mechanism for bringing babies into
the world, especially if the process is left alone (not interfered with
unless there is a clear medical emergency). A Caesarean section is a wonderful
way to save lives but is not recommended for other births - there are too many
potential complications with caesarean for it to be considered safe for a
healthy mother and baby.

Keep looking for midwives. I don't know much about the health
care system in India, but you could try your local hospital and ask about
independent midwives in the area. You could also try looking up the Midwives
Association in India - they may also have useful contacts.

Keep reading about natural birth - there are some terrific websites
that will help you. Check this page on our site for links to a number
useful sources of information.

Best wishes with your pregnancy and have a wonderful birth,


I will ask at the hospital if there are any independent midwives in the area.

I am also trying to look up Working Rules for Pregnant Women in India.


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