A baby in the making

We recently discovered that we are parents-to-be. We wanted to blog the entire pregnancy experience until the birth. We hope you enjoy reading our experiences all of it and share some of yours.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Every day I am so conscious I am going to be a mother and it gladdens my heart so much. But what I fear most is what impact will my parenting have on my child? Will I be the mother that curbs her/his naturalness? Will I be the mother that will leave a scar on my child's impression of this world? So what I think are mostly questions doubting my ability to be a mother, a good mother?

But I know deep down, this will be an endeavor I will always be putting my 100% into. So I give up wondering what a Mom, I will be.

Puneet's course mate gave birth to a baby girl, now the girl had a achy pregnancy and was constantly worried about labour and the rest. But she called yesterday to say she was happy with her hospital and had a good birth expeience. The baby started to cry and interrupted us, so will talk to her for details at a later time.

I love happy birth stories.

Yesterday, a senior coleague asked what I wish for this year- I said a more responsible job and a happy healthy baby. He immediately said, a happy healthy baby is the first priority.



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