taking care of yourself during pregnancy (PART I)I can talk on this issue for a long long time, for the past three months, the last thing on my mind was taking care of myself. I will gulp anything down to feel better, I will wear anything just because I need to. I wore the saddest and sickliest of all expressions. My visits for threading and plucking were left unattended.
Even before my pregnancy I was not much of a "take care of yourself" girl. But I do take atleast the minimum care to feel good about my health and appearance. But after pregnancy it was all the more difficult. But today, in my fourth month I realize may be I should take care of myself even better than I did before because I am now going to be Mommy. Being Mommy is no mean task, I saw my Mommy, I see P's Mommy, I see Mommy's everywhere.
Since taking care comprises of many parts, I'll try breaking them down for you.
Look at yourself in the mirror you might find that you look like a dish rag, esp. if like me you had nausea. Or you may look like a shiny happy princess with all the good hormones exuding radiance. Enjoy what you look at. In there is a baby you might or might not have feelings for. But your going to be especially looked at now because of that baby.
Dress, for most us our salwars and sarees are beautiful to wear both comfortable and stylish. Sarees especially would compliment our baby bumps. Again, I prefer long dresses more comfortable for me. A little loose clothing makes the difference. Wear nice loose bras, I wear padded ones because my nipples keep sticking out ever since I got pregnant.
Medicine, don't forget to take them regularly. Folic, iron, Calcium
Check Ups, I suggest making a questionnaire every time a doubt passes your mind and asking your doctor about it at the next visit. That way your not just examined but will participate in the process of making that baby. Never miss your appointments.
First Trimester, dear bhagwan, hey ram, jesus christ, I don't know how I managed it. But REST is a must. If your a working woman, please get a few days off and relax. Cravings must be indulged in, but if it isn't healthy, give into it only a tiny bit at a time. Repulsion at husband odour, music, color, cosmetics etc. I've experienced them. You gott go through it, knowing this is only temporary. You just have to be nauseated and puky so do it with a mind that knows this-to-shall-pass.
Personal body odour, I had a big time not puking whilst removing my clothes, the stench of hormonal sweat, the wiff of a personal hormonal factory and the smell of my own pee was something nobody told me about. I just took nice hot water baths and enjoyed the minutes before the hormonal stench would start again. Keep a lime or orange rind to counter the smell.
Emotions, I didn't have mood swings, but what I had is bursts of anger at the nausea, at not being able to physically do things, the extreme exhaustion. They were times I would get irritated with Puneet for being there, I would get annoyed at Mom's phone calls. But like all emotions you can control them, if you can't explain it to them. Your pregnant, they love you and want to help. So being rude will not be understood. If extra emotional avoid groups, parties, people and check out some TV or read good books.
Weight, is this a dicey one or what. I put on 3 kilos in my first trimester. A kg a month. But I've been eating healthy. I've now realized why women gain extra weight during pregnancy, it could be because we get the wrong signals. I feel hungry and just a biscuit could help me, but for the hunger I felt just a minute before, I think, I need to eat more .
On the other hand I am not hungry but it has been 3 hours since I've eaten something, I need to put something in otherwise the baby will be starved I think. Now what to do dear dietitian? Yes I know the ghee, the laddoos, the badams, the milk every thing starts getting to us.
What I learnt is eat when your hungry and if your hungry every hour eat every hour. Nibble on light snacks. But the main 3 meals should be healthy. The rest try compensating with light snacks and fruits. Forget the weighing machine, just ask yourself if your eating healthy. If answer is YES, you'll be fine if NO, we'll soon have a Mama Sumo wrestler.
Will continue the same in part II
Happy New Year dear Pregnant Friends and others. This year we'll be having our babies, a milestone year, so look forward to it.
Cecilia with Puneet